J-Love goes super By GBM Jennifer Love Hewitt takes on a new movie role Note: For those of you who have always thought Jennifer Love Hewitt was one of the hottest actresses out there and have burned up the VCR stopping at the point where she flexes her bicep in the insipid sequel to “I Know What You Did Last Summer” wishing for more, this probably won’t help. Jennifer Love Hewitt turned on her cell at her rented Malibu beach house. “Hey John! How’s the search for a movie? I’d like to do something during the break of Ghost Whispers.” Her cell phone crackled as her manager responded. “Well it’s mostly mixed. Have you read the script I sent over?” Jennifer picked up a package from her stack of mail and opened it up. The title read “Mega Woman”. Jennifer smiled. “Yeah, I’ve got it right here. You sent me a super hero movie?” “Uh, yeah, you know how hot they are right now, and I figured that it was a bit different than your current role. But if it doesn’t interest you, I’ll keep looking.” Jennifer looked at the title again. “No, no, I always seem to play the damsel in distress or someone who really never has control of a situation. Let me look it over.” “OK, great! Get back to me later, after you’ve read it.” Jennifer turned off her cell and picked up the script. It was then that she noticed something else had fallen out of the package. It was a small bag with ‘Role Enhancer’ labeled on it. Jennifer looked closer at the label. ‘Role Enhancer. For JLH. Take this to get into character. Just image the person you wish to be and swallow.’ She opened the bag and a small blue pill fell into her hand. She snickered and placed in on the counter next to the vitamins she had lined up. “Probably a multi vitamin. Some studios like to push the limits.” She looked at the package and re-read the label. “That’s still odd. Just what would I imagine anyway?” She placed the bag down and started reading the script. After a few minutes she knew it was a work in progress. But the fact that they thought that a small woman like her could play the role of a muscular, super powered woman caused her to giggle. “Do they really think people will pay to see a muscular female super hero?” She flexed up her own bicep and a very small lump barely came into view, causing her to shake her head. She reached over and felt her firm but small arm then released her flex. “Hmmm. Maybe I could work out a little.” Jennifer got back up and walked toward the counter and grabbed a bottled water out of the fridge. “Yeah, could you imagine me with huge muscles and super strength? Super J-Love, stronger than Superman! More muscular than the Hulk. Ha-Ha-Ha!” With that thought in her mind, Jennifer grabbed the pills off the counter, including the mysterious blue pill, popped them in her mouth and swallowed, washing them all down with her water. “Yeah, Super J-Love! Wouldn’t that be great!” As she walked back toward her chair a strange tingling started prickling her stomach. She stopped and looked back at the counter. “Oh no, did I swallow that silly blue pill. If they sent me LSD I’ll sue!” But the tingling was anything but painful. In fact it was immensely pleasurable. She was walking around in nothing but her blue bikini bottoms and big gray shirt, figuring she could put on a top and take a walk on the beech later. But all thoughts of a walk on the beech were currently gone as the tingling moved down her legs and all the way to her feet, causing her to stand on her toes. “Oh, wow, the feeling, it’s so intense, it’s wonderful, it feels like…. like...” She stood upright and pulled her shoulders pack. “Power!” Still on her toes, Jennifer looked down at her legs and watched as mega strength began to infuse into her muscles, causing them to twitch and grow. She bounced up and down on her toes, injecting super powered muscles into her taught calves, pressing them bigger. Jennifer smiled as her thin calves bunched and pushed larger with every flex. They were the size of baseballs in moments and were soon bigger than softballs. Heart shaped, throbbing, vein engorged, beautiful softballs. A few more flexes pushed them even bigger! Jennifer started flexing her thighs and was greeted with the same muscle building results. Her skinny thighs bunched under her taught, silky white skin and multiplied with every pleasurable contraction. Gymnastic sized muscles were soon being exposed and with a few more flexes she had surpassed the shape and size of any fitness star. Every flex caused her muscles to section into large, rippling bands of indestructible might and then to surge bigger. Jennifer laughed as her thighs soon surpassed those of the governator himself in his prime, only hers held decidedly female curves, hanging over her knees with perfect teardrop shape and twitching with mounds of beautiful, rippling power. Jennifer gasped as the tingling moved up to her behind and she felt her ass firming up and then growing out to twin bowling sized glutes. She smacked her ass and giggled at the hardness. “No jiggle here!” The tingling moved back to her belly and she pulled her shirt up to expose her tight abs. Only now her thin waist wasn’t just tight, it was morphing into a perfect six pack with every breath. Jennifer tensed down and her abdominals rippled into iron plated blocks of unearthly power. As the tingling moved upward, Jennifer brought her arms down to her side. She could feel the power start to flow into her chest, her back and her shoulders. Muscles started to grow on top of muscles, causing her back to widen and thicken, her chest to press outward until her nipples were pressed firmly against her now overstrained shirt. Jennifer started flexing her chest and her pectorals took a leap in size, power and density. Her breasts grew bigger, melding perfectly with her mega pectorals. The shirt had risen up to the top of her breasts and was stuck against the gigantic chest pressing out like twin globes. The shirt slowly ripped up the sides and with one ultra flex of her super charged chest and back shot off of her body with a poof. Grabbing one of her nipples, she caressed her breast and moaned with ecstasy. “And people thought I had big boobs before! These are mega mammories! And they feel so hard and strong!” She giggled as she flexed up one pectoral, causing seismic waves of muscle and power to press her left chest up to her chin! Jennifer now laughed as she repeated the move with her other side and then in unison. “No porn star can match these babies! And no male bodybuilder has ever had a chest with this much muscle!” Jennifer nodded knowingly as the tingling moved up her growing shoulders and sent waves of power flowing down her arms to her finger tips. Smiling, she brought up her right arm into a bicep flex, this time was staggeringly different results. Her bicep quickly grew into a baseball sized mass. Then with another flex was as big as softball, easily 20 inches around. “This just keeps getting better and better. I can feel the power being infused into my powerful muscles, feel the strength contained inside.” She smiled as she flexed down again and her bicep expanded to over 24 inches around! Jennifer laughed as another flex brought her bicep up to 30 glorious inches around, curving from her shoulder up to a brilliant peak and down to smooth, bulging forearms and back down to deep, striated triceps. No Mr. Olympia bicep ever looked as muscular. No Ms. Olympia ever looked so beautiful. Jennifer reached over and felt her hard peak. “Now THAT’S a bicep!” Jennifer released her flex, placed her hands on her hips and turned toward a full length mirror. “I am one super sexy, super muscular Amazon!” She flipped her long dark hair over her shoulder. She reached down, running her small hands over her bulging, heart shaped, 20 inch calf; up her rippling hamstrings and over to her gigantic thighs. Smiling, she flexed her wondrous thighs, causing huge muscles to leap to attention and spread her fingers. She continued up to her cavernous abdominals, flexing them tight, feeling the deep separations and thick ridges. Jennifer licked her lips as her hand traveled up to mega chest, rubbing the sides of her gravity defying breasts and up to her striated pectorals. Letting out a satisfied sigh, Jennifer turned her attention to the picture window facing the beach. Running her hands through her thick hair, she admired her gigantic biceps and spoke to herself. “I wonder how strong I am?” With that thought, Jennifer walked quickly to her bedroom and grabbed a stretchable tube top from her closet. She struggled to pull in on without ripping it in half, giggling a little at the situation. The top covered her ample assets, but was stretched to the point of near translucency. “Ha! I wonder if there’s any photographers hanging around? What a scoop they’ll get, if I let them.” She smiled at the idea of being able rip the camera away and crushing it under her small hands and powerful muscles. Jennifer walked out her back door and to an outcropping of rocks and boulders. There had to be something here to test her muscles. Striding with newly acquired confidence toward the nearest boulder, Jennifer rubbed her small hands. “Let’s see, this rock looks pretty big. It’s about five feet across. Lord knows I couldn’t move it before.” Her face lit up into a Hollywood smile. “But NOW!” Jennifer bent her knees, stretched her muscular arms out and reached around the boulder. As she brought her arms in for a tighter grip and pressed her now mega sized chest forward, the rock cracked under the pressure. Jennifer smiled. She could feel the rock yielding to her powerful body. Her muscles were stronger than rock! Jennifer stood up and the rock ripped out of the ground with a soft crackle as sand and dirt were pulled up with boulder. Still smiling at how easy that was and realizing that the weight was more than manageable, Jennifer pushed the rock above her head with remarkable ease! Blinking as the dirt from the rock fell onto her face, she shifted the weight away from her head and onto one hand! She was holding a five foot diameter boulder with one hand! Jennifer tittered with delight. “Ha-ha-ha! I guess these muscles aren’t just for show!” Wiping the dirt from her face she tried to measure the weight of the large rock held in her outstretched arm. She then looked out toward the ocean and back to the rock and smiled again. Jennifer pulled the large boulder back, leaned down a bit and threw the rock faster than a major league pitcher toward the ocean. It sailed up 50 feet into the air and rocketed out toward the ocean where it landed well over a mile away! And the amazing thing was Jennifer saw the rock land. Over a mile away! “Hmmm. It appears that I now have super strength, fantastic muscles to go with it and apparently super eyesight.” Still thinking, Jennifer turned back toward the rock wall, looked around to see if anyone was looking and pulled her top down to her abs, exposing her fantastic chest. She then walked up to rock face, pulled her arms back and pressed her chest into the hard wall. Her breast seemed to yield for a moment, but had been backed up and infused with enough super muscles that it was quickly the rock giving way. With increasing louder crunching and cracking, Jennifer leaned into the wall, until her nose touched the cool rock. She then took three steps back and smiled at the result. A perfect impression of her super powerful chest, right down to her steel hard nipples graced the rock wall. Jennifer pulled the top back up and shimmied as it groaned under the pressure until she released it again with a high pitched snap. “Guess I better add invulnerability to the list!” She looked down at her strained top. “And I’m definitely going to need some new clothes!” Jennifer let out another satisfied sigh and looked upward. “Hmmm. I wonder how high I can jump? Or how fast I can run?” Bringing her thick arms down to her side, Jennifer squatted down, causing her thighs to bunch and separate with huge exotic muscles. Shifting her weight to her toes, Jennifer smiled, looked upward and jumped up. She screamed with delight as she exploded upward, quickly clearing the top of her house. “Whoa, baby!” As she continued to sail higher she felt another strange sensation, as though she were stretching another unseen muscle. As she reached 100 feet high, she felt herself slow down and instinctively shifted her weight. Jennifer brought her arms out to her sides and quickly realized that she was no longer going up, but she also wasn’t falling. “I, I must flying?” Turning around, she looked down and wiggled her toes. Laughing joyously, Jennifer brought her body to horizontal and began to move forward, slowly at first and then with increasing speed. Giddy with delight as the wind whipped her long black hair around, Jennifer flew upward, down toward the ocean and completed a couple of loop-de-loops. Settling back down on the beech near her house, Jennifer took a few steps and smiled. “I think it’s time to visit my manager.” Stopping as she realized she didn’t need to drive or call she leaped back into the air and turned toward downtown. “And find out who else got the script.” End for now.